Raceology: A Compendium of Racial Science


This post will intend to summarize the crucial articles on racial science as I see it. These articles are based on scientific works, or intelligent opinions of policy, etc. Most of these articles are summaries intended for laymen.  On this blog this post will be a great introductory guide on this topic, with suggestions for further reading.


Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis by Dr. Richard Lynn
Race, Evolution, and Behavior 3rd Unabridged Edition by Dr. Philippe Rushton
Race, Evolution, and Behavior 2nd Abridged Edition by Dr. Philippe Rushton
The g-factor: The Science of Mental Ability by Dr. Arthur Jensen
Dysgenics Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations by Dr. Richard Lynn
Eugenics: A Modern Reassessment by Dr. Richard Lynn
Race, Intelligence, and Bias in Academe by Dr. Roger Pearson
IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen
Race by John Baker


Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis by Dr. Richard Lynn
Race, Evolution, and Behavior 3rd Unabridged Edition by Dr. Philippe Rushton
The g-factor: The Science of Mental Ability by Dr. Arthur Jensen
Dysgenics Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations by Dr. Richard Lynn
Eugenics: A Modern Reassessment by Dr. Richard Lynn
Race, Intelligence, and Bias in Academe by Dr. Roger Pearson
IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen


Let's start. I think the best work that explains racial differences in intelligence, as well as how the races evolved, and the evolutionary reasons for the differences is Dr. Richard Lynn's masterpiece:

Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis this was published in 2006, it is a meta-analysis of most of the major studies of intelligence to different racial groups around the world. The sample size is therefore huge.  Dr. Lynn presents a simple set of principles to explain race differences in intelligence.  Different human population groups evolved in separate environments over the last 70,000 years or so, and developed physiological, and behavioral differences as a result.  Climates exert selection pressures, and colder winters are more difficult to survive in.  Aside from differences in climate, population sizes matter as well, small population sizes are not conducive to mutating, and spreading the alleles for higher IQ, thus people like the Arctic people, e.g. the Inuit in Canada don't have the highest average IQs. The summary of the work is here, by Jared Taylor:


You may also find a PDF copy of it online.

Another tremendous work was Philippe Rushton's Race, Evolution, and Behavior. The last edition was the 3rd unabridged edition in about 2001.  The work views race differences from the macro-races perspective Negroid, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid a rough division, and applies r-K selection theory taken from evolutionary theory to humans, and individual and race differences.  Negroid are the most r selected, and Mongloids are the most k selected.  East Asians have higher IQs on average than Whites, who have higher IQ averages than Blacks. East Asians have the lowest incidence of psychopathic personality whereas Negroids have the highest incidence of it. The review of the work by Jared Taylor is here:


You may find the full unabridged 3rd edition PDF of it, or you may read the free abridged version, which is a short summary here:


In regards to the study of intelligence itself and its nature including what is implied for racial differences the monumental work based on the concept of Spearman's g-factor is: g-Factor by Jensen, it is a voluminous work and you can read Jared Taylor's excellent review of it here:


Aside from the differences in intelligence, there are also race differences in criminal behavior, the best explanation of that is Richard Lynn's Race Differences in Psychopathic Personality, the AmRen summary written by Lynn himself, and based on his much longer peer-reviewed paper can be found here:


As for some of the scientific underpinnings and theory of race in general you may also wish to see one of my attempted summaries of the issues here:


In regards to the issue of dysgenics and eugenics, the evidence for dysgenics is strong, and the case for eugenics is compelling.  You may find a short review summary of Dr. Lynn's Dysgenics here:


and of Eugenics: A Modern Re-Assessment here:


An excellent summary of the history of eugenics and racial science research and the bias I academe can be found here in Race, Intelligence, and Bias in Academe by Roger Pearson, the excellent summary is here:


A good volume on national intelligence and economics was published by Dr. Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen: IQ and the Wealth of Nations. The review by Thomas Jackson is here:



In each of the books that I've listed you may find a large assortment of peer reviewed scientific articles.  I will start here with a few.

Printed in Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a very respectable, and hard to publish in journal:

30 Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability


Racial, and Ethnic Differences in Psychopathic Personality published in Personality and Individual Differences, by Dr. Lynn:


Rushton - Whole Brain Size and General Mental Ability: A Review


Rushton - No Narrowing Between Black - White Mean Race IQ Differences:



These are good videos by Jared Taylor from AmRen summarizing some of this controversial information:

What is Race Realism:

Race and Drug Arrest Data:

Race and Crime, the color of crime:

Race Differences in Intelligence with Jared Taylor:

Richard Lynn: "Eugenics and Dysgenics: A Promise Denied"


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