
Showing posts from December, 2022

A Short Trip Through German Switzerland

  Hello all, I've been meaning to post some of my observation from the countries I've travelled to when I went to Europe in the last few months. This time I managed to go to Switzerland for a few days and man was it ever expensive! Coming from France I can say it was quite a large difference. I only visited the German speaking part of Switzerland so can only speak of that, i.e. Zurich, Basel, etc. I was only there for a few days.  Immediately noticeable in my opinion, is the relatively high wealth of the place. Switzerland seemed far more beautiful and well-maintained than France. Although the cities are smaller than the large ones in France, almost everything I saw was in good order, and quite beautiful architecturally, and in terms of nature.  Demographically, the situation appeared a lot better than France as well. Whereas I would see tons on Negroes, and Arabs, and Berbers in France, I saw very few Negroes in Switzerland, and less Arabs as well. As you can well imagine Zuri

Happy New Year 2023 from Raceology!

 Hey everyone, sorry that I've been absent as of late. As you know my ill-fated trip to Western Europe did not turn out well. I blew a lot of my savings in the process, and realized that most of Western Europe is demographically in a lot worse shape than I had thought. France is gone, also many people there are assholes, much of it looks terrible, and Paris is teeming with tourists. Belgium was gone when I was there in 2015, Netherlands is gone, Czech Republic is gone to tourists, the UK is close to being gone, you get the point.  The only places that I noticed had a chance where places like Berlin and Munich in Germany, along with Switzerland. A lot of Eastern Europe is decaying as well. Right now what seems to be left for the time being are the Baltic countries, Belarus, Poland, Moldova, and I suppose to a lesser extent Slovakia. Finland and Switzerland seem to be the European countries in the best demographic shape. You can say whatever you want but the invasion is happening ful

Ah yes, The little monkey. Not to be compared to the little mermaid?

Leaked audio reveals Councilmember Nury Martinez making racist comments Story by CBSLA Staff • Oct 9 Los Angeles City Council president Nury Martinez issued a public apology Sunday over statements she says she made "in a moment of intense frustration and anger," while Councilmember Mike Bonin called on her removal as president and her resignation from office. The comments Martinez referenced are those stemming from a conversation that occurred in or around October of 2021, related to the redistricting process--a discussion which spanned about an hour-long, according to the Los Angeles Times.  According to the Times, Martinez along with Councilmembers Gil Cedillo, Kevin de León, and L.A. County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera were present on the call where they also discussed Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas who had been indicted on charges of federal corruption. The Times reviewed the recording and reported that Martinez allegedly referred to Bonin's son who is Bla