
Showing posts from September, 2019

AmRen: What I Like About Blacks by Jared Taylor

Image Jared Taylor, Unz Review, February 16, 2015 Like some other writers for this website, I have a reputation for writing rude things about blacks. I have written rude things about  whites ,  Hispanics ,  Asians , and  Muslims , but being rude about blacks is one of our era’s unforgivable sins. Of course, what I write about blacks is true, but as Mark Twain pointed out, nothing astonishes people more than to tell them the truth. Deep down, everyone knows the truth about blacks, but a vital requirement for respectability is to pretend you don’t. The fact is, there are things to like about blacks–and I like them. They mostly have to do with lack of inhibition, a kind of cheerful spontaneity you don’t often find in whites. I have a half-Asian friend–a connoisseur of stereotypes–who thinks blacks and whites differ in that respect even more than they do in average IQ. As he puts it, whites act like Asians who have had a fe

Joe Biden Laughs at a Stupid Question

Official White House photo by David Linemann (Public Domain) Posted by John Engelman: The Daily Kos, September 13, 2019 The question from moderator Linsey Davis started with, “ I want to come to you and talk to you about inequality in schools and race.” She then brought up an old Joe Biden quote where he said, “’I’d be damned if I feel responsible to pay for something that happened 300 years ago,” and culminated with, “What responsibility do you think that Americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country?” Watch Biden’s immediate reaction to the start of the question: a literal and audible  scoff... I’ll go with modesttraveller’s response: “ Remember, the question was about reparations for slavery, based on the moderator asking Biden about his 40 year old remark that he wanted no part of slavery reparations...  Quick reminder: No white male has ever gotten 63 million votes for president. Two candidates have hit the 65 million mark—a white woman and a b

AmRen: Integration Has Failed (Part II) by Jared Taylor

AmRen Article Link: Part 1 (on  Raceology): Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, March 2008 [Editor’s note: See  Part I here ] Promoters of “contact theory” believed that through forcible school integration, children of all races would discover their common humanity, and racial prejudice would disappear. This would lead to integrated housing and large-scale intermarriage. Instead, whites abandoned many schools, and even at integrated schools, students seldom mixed. Now that forced integration is coming to an end, neighborhood schools reflect segregated housing patterns that have changed little in the last half a century. Integrationists now argue that there must be housing integration in order to promote school integration. Theoretically, integration could have been promoted on two fronts, with forcible integration of both

The Woodstock Festival of 1969 and Human Kindness Day in 1975

Posted by John Engelman Posters too young to remember the Woodstock Festival in 1969 may have read about it. 400,000 young people, nearly all of whom were white, met at a dairy farm in New York State for a four day rock concert. There were no fights. No one was killed. The few blacks who attended were perfectly safe. What would have happened if 125,000 mainly black young people had met for a rock concert lasting only a day? You do not need to wonder about it. This is what The Washington Post had to say: ----------- 1975 Human Kindness Day’s cruel violence By — Jenny Pike, Silver Spring September 4, 2011 But plans were made for Human Kindness Day IV, May 10, 1975. Stevie Wonder was the main attraction, scheduled to close a show that included performances by Graham Central Station and other bands. The crowd was huge, an estimated 125,000 people stretching from the Washington Monument west to 17th Street NW. There were sporadic assaults early in the day, but the real v

The Collected Comments of John Engelman, Collected by One of My Detractors on American Renaissance

Posted by John Engelman I do not know who collected these comments, but I am grateful to him. Although I was trying to be provocative, I really do think this way. -------- Here is just a tiny sampling of quotes showing how Jared Taylor gives his pet Ashiaphile Extraodinaire, JohnEngelman, room to roam freely on Taylor's pseudo pro-White website American Renaissance ( Not only does Taylor approve or just simply tolerate the kind of Asiaphilia and anti-White rhetoric that Yellow John espouses, it has even been reported that Yellow John is, or at least was, an actual moderator at AmRen. Asians What you call "yellow fever" is admiration for a superior race. I have dated Oriental and white women. Oriental women are more difficult to attract. They have higher standards. If you have children, try to get them to learn Mandarin. It will help them talk to their immediate supervisors. Whenever I quote J. Philippe Rushton and Jared

Dog Breeds Differ in the Same Ways and For the Same Genetic Reasons as Human Races

Posted by John Engelman The Harvard Gazette , September 3, 2019             Canine Research Lends Insights into the Evolution of the Human Mind Erin Hecht, who joined the [Harvard] faculty in January, has published her first paper on our canine comrades in the  Journal of Neuroscience , finding that different breeds [of dogs] have different brain organizations owing to human cultivation of specific traits. Using MRI scans from 63 dogs of 33 breeds, Hecht found neuroanatomical features correlating to different behaviors such as hunting, guarding, herding, and companionship. Sight hunting and retrieving, for example, were both tied to a network that included regions involved in vision, eye movement, and spatial navigation...    “It was weird to be doing this back in 2012. When I told people, some would say, ‘Oh that’s cute,’” she said. “It took a long time to convince other scientists and funding agencies that dogs could really tell us something about brain evolution.”...

AmRen: Integration Has Failed (Part I) by Jared Taylor

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, February 2008 Some 5,000 march through South Boston to protest school busing in 1974. Meredith Brace of San Diego, California, believes in integration. She lived in a largely white area, but the neighborhood school, Harding Elementary, was 90 percent Hispanic. She was convinced whites should go to Harding rather than escape to a white school. Even before her son was old enough to enroll, she joined the PTA, raised money for Harding, and went door-to-door to promote it to white neighbors. She became president of the PTA and held neighborhood meetings to encourage whites to attend. After her son started going, she set up after-school art and theater classes to bring whites and Hispanics together. They failed because not enough people signed up. She kept her son at Harding for three years before finally giving up. “[W]e have nothing in common [with Hispanics],” she said. “Every time my husband and I would go over for an event, my husband wo