
Showing posts from October, 2021

Halloween weekend post 2021. Truth about Viking Culture.

Image The Real Truth Behind The Viking Culture Ancient Norse seafarers who were inhumanly large, brutish, and killed everything in their path: these were the Vikings. At least, that’s what popular culture wants us to believe. In reality, the Vikings weren’t the barbarians that we have branded them. They were a group of greatly intelligent, civilized, and hard-working people. Their unique culture and belief system was misunderstood by other cultures, which helped contribute to a false reputation that is still upheld today. Read on to learn about the reality of the Viking way of life. You’ll find out what is actually true and what is just legend. Vikings Cared About Personal Hygiene If you picture Vikings as a long-haired and bearded group of warmongers, you wouldn’t be wrong. However, you would be mistaken if you assumed that they were dirty, stinky, and careless people. In reality, the Vikings cared greatly