Site Aims and Rules

Raceology. n. "A scientific analysis of racial differences."  William Shockley

Hello, and welcome. The purpose of this site is to explore racial science, race realism, race relations, and ethnography. Unfortunately these issues are shunned by both the mainstream media, and academia, and too often when controversial perspectives are presented they are done so from a supremacist, or extremely distorted and not a race realist perspective.  This site aims to present a factual, and fair representation of races, and race differences, though obviously based on the idea that not all groups are equal in their abilities, and not all societies are equal in terms of fairness, and liveability, what is said of some races, ethnicities, and societies and countries may be less flattering than what is said of others.
race realism
I will try to keep everything presented based either on factual well-researched data, unless it is an opinion piece which may be composed more of anecdotal evidence, along with less statistics and facts, or if it is a piece based on speculation, and reasonable assumptions. All races, and ethnicities are open to evaluation and criticism here. There isn’t something like: group X is perfect in every way, and all of the others are totally incapable, etc. That being said, this site is not a place to promulgate conspiracy theories, pseudo-history, and the like. So please no Holocaust Denial, Neo-Nazism, Afro-Centrism, and the like.  Also I intend to delimit comments (especially repetitive ones without substance) and discussion in support of biological racial egalitarianism, various antisemitic canards, "extreme" bashing of Northeast Asians, and the like.
Please keep in mind that I will post positive things about both Ashkenazi Jews and Northeast Asians here, and the achievements that they’ve made from time to time. I should emphasize again though that all groups, or various sub-groups within those groups are open to criticism, and positive comments may also be made of all groups, sub-groups, etc., from time to time. I also recommend the website AmRen: American Renaissance, where race realism and White Identity is discussed. This website will focus more on the scientific, as well as historical, and day-to-day life, travel, etc. aspect of peoples and societies, and takes a broader look at humanity however.

Edit August 2019: Also, I will have postings dedicated to traveling and living abroad sometime in the future. 

So here’s some basic rules to keep in mind:
  1. No illegal death threats, or threats of violence directed towards other commenters.
  2. Please do not post illegal content, pornography, and the like.
  3. Please refrain from engaging in flame wars, and persistent foul language, aggressive memes, and the like, you can do it once in a while, if it’s funny or to get a point across, but please do not start persistently harassing, and insulting/abusing other users.
  4. Please do not spam the comments section.

Posting guidelines and etiquette:
  1. Please try to keep comments relevant to the articles when possible.
  2. General point, if arguing with someone please try to address what they say, and not just talk over them.
  3. Please try to refrain from using mostly fallacies of reasoning as your arguments like fallacies of irrelevance, and so forth (that’s a hard one for most people).
  4. No conspiracy theories please. Please do not invoke conspiracy theories here, such as Holocaust denial, 9/11 truther movement, etc.
  5. I pointed this one out especially because it keeps coming across – No Holocaust Denial, usually it is irrelevant to the article, and generally crazy, I am sick and tired of dealing with this.
Anyway, this is all subject to change and revision, especially while I’m still setting up the site. Hopefully, when it really gets underway, there might be something here that you might find either interesting or informative.


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