
Showing posts from October, 2019

Halloween movie: Nosferatu the Vampyre 1979 English subs

Hi, everyone, I have almost no access to the internet. Thus my plans have been hampered. That will change very soon, I’m sorry. My situation kind of sucks. All I can do now is post a link to a movie I can’t even watch myself for Halloween (which I love). This is a YouTube link to Nosferatu the Vampyre in German with English subtitles. I will return soon. Have a spooky Halloween.

Can Democracy Work in the Third World?

For democracy to work in a country the country should have an average IQ of at least 90. If the IQ average is below 80 the most we can hope for in a country is the benevolent paternalism of an enlightened despot. What we usually get is a kleptocracy where a strongman and his cronies live in luxury and most of the people are poor. Most third world countries lack the IQ power to make democracy work.   They would have benefited if the European empires had continued to exist. They will benefit if China governs them in the future. With one fifth of the world’s population and an average IQ of 105 China is well suited to fulfill the imperial responsibilities Europe has abandoned. I expect China to achieve world hegemony by the end of this century, if not sooner.

Race Differences in Intelligence

Posted by John Engelman, Raceology Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, June 2006 Richard Lynn,  Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis,  Washington Summit Publishers, 2006, 322 pp. This is not a volume for conformists, in the sense that it does not spend much time beating down threadbare orthodoxies: that race does not exist, that IQ tests are biased, that environment and “racism” explain racial differences in achievement, etc. Prof. Lynn quickly summarizes the arguments in these areas, but writes mainly for an audience that already understands that race is real and that races differ in intelligence. His main interest is in assessing IQ differences, determining to what extent the differences are genetic, and sketching out the events of the past 100,000 years that probably caused these differences...  Balkan peoples, for example, tend to have depressed IQs compared to other Europeans (Croatia 89, Serbia 92.5, Bulgaria 90), and Prof. Lynn attributes this

Have you ever had a radical shift in political beliefs?

Posted by John Engelman Raceology, October 23 2019 Living on the edge of a black ghetto in one of the blackest and consequently most dangerous cities in the United States has caused me reluctantly to suspect that in states with large black populations,Jim Crow legislation was based on sound instincts. My parents raised me not to hate blacks. I still try not to. Some times some of them make that difficult. I am still liberal on most issues. Nevertheless, I now believe that there is often wisdom in tradition. The civil rights legislation was forced on whites with extensive experience with blacks by whites with little experience. When blacks make up a small percentage of a population most try to behave. When blacks are in the majority most behave the way they want to behave. Many do not want to behave well. To learn what most blacks are really like one usually needs to see them up close on terms of approximate equality in an environment where they are in the majority. -----

How did racial characteristics evolve?

Posted by John Engelman  Raceology, October 22, 2019 The least controversial way the races have evolved has been in response to climatic conditions. Skin color is determined by skin cancer and rickets. If a dark skinned race moves north the darker skinned individuals die from rickets. Consequently, the skin color becomes lighter. If a light skinned race moves south, those with the lightest skin get skin cancer. Consequently, the skin color becomes darker.   American Indians have been in North America longer than those of European ancestry, so their skin is darker. Those of European ancestry get skin cancer. European whites living in Europe are much less likely to get skin cancer, because their lighter skin is appropriate to the lesser sun light of Europe.       Trigger warning! Politically incorrect information lies ahead! Anti racists, please seek a safe space.     Agriculture and civilization selects for different characteristics than hunting and gathering. Farmers need to p

How I Became a Race Realist, But Not A White Nationalist

Posted by John Engelman, Raceology October 13 2019. My parents taught me not to hate blacks. I still try not to. Sometimes some blacks make that difficult for me.  I am ambivalent about the Negro race. I recommend ambivalence. It prevents fanaticism. When I was eleven years old boys in my Boy Scout Troop harassed some black children during a scout meeting. They told their older brothers. They attacked us. My scout troop fled the scene of battle. They ran in one direction. I ran in the wrong direction. I was one of the few members of that troop who had not harassed the black children. I was the only Boy Scout their older brothers found. They were about to beat me up. One of them prevented that. I ran to where my mother was waiting to drive me home. I left that scout troop in disgust, and joined the troop at my church. It had a better group of scouts. I never attended a school where blacks made up more than five percent of the student body. That gave me an unrealistic

"Why Race Matters," by Michael Levin

Posted by John Engelman, Raceology, October 10, 2019. Race matters because the races differ in average qualities necessary to creating and maintaining a thriving society. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy. Everywhere Negroes live they are accurately characterized as being less likely to be intelligent, more likely to break the law, and less likely to get married and to stay married to the people with whom they have children. Because these characteristics are durable geographically and historically, they indicate genetic causation. Intelligence is fairly stable. Crime and illegitimacy fluctuate. Nevertheless, when they are low they are lower for whites than blacks. When they are high they are higher for blacks than whites. Michael Levin points out, “In 1950 the white illegitimacy rate was 1.7%, and the black rate 16%.” In 2012 the white non Hispanic illegitimacy rate was 29.1%. The black rate was 72.3%. From 1960 to 1980 the black and white crime rates b

Come and Debate a Race Realist: Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability

by Independent Thinker, Raceology, October 8, 2019. Well, since all of the egalitarians, environmentalists, liberals, Neo-Lysenkoists, and trolls, have made a habit of claiming that all of the research that is put forward is "wrong" and "pseudoscience" here is your chance to prove it.  Put your money where your mouth is FOR ONCE. All I ever get is "this is all racist" "this is all hate" "this is just "pseudoscience", this is all made by "racists" "haters", etc. "This isn't convincing, etc." Let me explain something, especially to those that are extremely boneheaded, and I mean people who I tried to explain this to, and all that they did is basically just call me a "racist" for the next 24 hours without any actual argument: Calling something a name, saying that it is just racist or Nazi, or whatever the Hell, is NOT an argument, it is a fallacy. Now if you are ignorant of critical