The Future of Civilization Based on Racial Demographics

by Independent Thinker, August 19, 2020   Raceology blog

      Well, there are lots of posts that I wanted to make before revealing/writing this one but then I thought since I have a desire to talk about this topic I might as well just jot down a few notes about this topic here, and then eventually come back to it to write out a much more refined version. So here goes...

      Living communally is difficult. Even when people are similar, even if it's your own family conflict inevitably ensues, and it often is painful. When you have to live around people you don't get along with, conflict ensues all the more. There are just so many factors involved in how people can differ and get into conflict. One of those factors that is particularly significant is race. Being of the same race in no way guarantees any kind of co-operation, or mutual warm feelings; people still get into conflict and diligently kill each other within a race, yet both on a large and small scale race differences and racial conflict always come up. Different races have different traits on average and build different kinds of societies. Racial, sub-racial and ethnic conflict have been rampant throughout human history. This seems to be due to human nature. We are tribal people. This tribalism has deep evolutionary roots that apply to generally all life forms. We have so many problems in our lives here. Do we really need to deal with this racial problem in our lives? What do we gain from it?

      As readers will know I have written about the changing racial demographics in Canada, and have recently posted an old article about what is happening in the UK. The same applies to the US, Australia, and New Zealand. All of these countries have demographic disaster looming in the near future. Canada, and New Zealand will go first into becoming White minority, followed by the USA, and Australia. There is a chance that a part of the USA will secede from the union but so far there is no evidence or promise of this.

The Fate of Western Europe

Muslims in London

      What about "Western Europe"? The Pew research centre has done research on what will happen in the EU, it makes predictions on how Muslim migration will be an ever greater force in Europe in the near future under different migration scenarios. By 2050 under a high migration scenario some Western European countries will become 20% Muslim, and that doesn't even include all of the non-Whites since many of them are non-Muslim. According to that scenario, the countries with a high level of Muslim migration will be the UK, France, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland Denmark and Norway, it seems like even Finland may become exposed to it.

      Another area of concern is Turkey. Although they have a 90 average IQ which is higher than most Muslim majority nations, Turkey's numbers are huge and with their intent to join the EU, this seems to be a large threat to Europe.

Eastern and Central Europe:


A Polish gathering, with actual Polish people.

What are the European countries that will be spared of that fate? These appear to be:

      Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ireland, Croatia and Portugal. It doesn't mention these nations but I would also add Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Romania, and Iceland.

      Basically, Eastern and Central European countries along with some outliers such as Ireland, Portugal, and Iceland. These will be the centres of civilization when the demographic decline happens. By 2050 a lot of the Western European nations will still be liveable with pockets of high life quality, but it will overall decrease substantially. There will be areas there where Whites will organize to live among themselves but as nations these countries will progressively approach Brazil status.

      What will happen to the EU? My prediction is the Visegrad group will ultimately break off from the EU once it becomes more apparent what the migrations have done to the demographics. There is already evidence of this with countries from these groups refusing to take in Muslim refugees and migrants in spite of directives from the EU:

In Hungary this is what Orban said:
Viktor Orbán: Hungary doesn’t want ‘Muslim invaders’
“I can only speak for the Hungarian people, and they don’t want any migration,” Orbán said. “In my understanding, it’s not possible for the people to have a will on a fundamental issue and for the government not to comply with it.”

And in the Czech Republic:
In the battle over Muslim migrants, Prague is standing firm against Brussels.

Speaking in Austria Tuesday, Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka reiterated his government's position that mass migration from North Africa and the Middle East into the Czech Republic will not be permitted.

"When we see problems in other European countries, we do not want Muslims in the Czech Republic," he said in an interview with Austrian newspaper Die Presse.

 If they don't then they will also be swamped eventually. What about the non-EU countries in that list? Of those countries only Belarus, and Iceland don't have any intent to join the EU. Even if Ukraine, and Moldova did ultimately join, due to poor living conditions I think few non-Whites will want to move there. Even these countries if they don't make an effort to stand up for themselves will be doomed, But I expect that they will defend themselves.

Prague, the Czech Republic, currently suffering from over-tourism.

Northeast Asia:


      Where does that leave the rest of the world? The East Asians are the other major group that are highly intelligent. These people are the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese, with a mean IQ of 105. It seems likely that China will keep trying to expand its power to take over superpower status. They will continue trying to colonize Southeast Asia, Eastern Africa, and parts of South America, and perhaps South Asia as they are already doing.

Chinese Military

       I am unsure of what will happen to Taiwan. I hope it can become an independent nation. If it does it will be able to be a leading nation of high civilization, if not then they will be just another Chinese authoritarian state. I don't see good prospects for South Korea, and North Korea, based on what I've seen, not only due to their hostilities, but also some of the pitfalls of Korean society. Perhaps this can be resolved and they can retain a medium quality of life. I believe that Singapore will continue to grow and become (even more of) an extremely high-tech nation, though not without its own authoritarian problems. Despite having sizeable populations of Malaysians, as well as Indians, immigrants from those groups tend to be more professionally skilled and highly intelligent, and thus will not mar the successful character of Singapore. Also, it appears that Singapore is divided into workable ethnic enclaves. However, the only really substantial nation, in terms of GDP, and size, that is most likely to remain independent will be Japan. I believe they can negotiate with China in a way that they can retain their independence.

Street in Tokyo

      Japan will remain a centre of human civilization with a high quality of life, with a rich culture, and a relatively democratic government. It will continue its scientific development, and discovery, as well as cultural productions such as anime, manga, video games, and various other things that it is enjoying success in the world over. I believe that it will be successful in going against the tide of liberalism, and not accepts massive numbers of non-Japanese immigrants from Southeast Asia or elsewhere. In 2017 for example they took only 20 refugees, some of which were probably Japanese, or Korean. They basically refuse to take in refugees, or migrant workers:

Southeast Asia:

Muslims in Indonesia, a county of over 200 million

      It appears that the Southeast Asians with their lower average IQ, and economic power will become under the sway of China's power. The growing numbers of Muslims from Malaysia, and Indonesia should be concerning for countries in the region such as Singapore.

South Asia:

New Delhi, India

      India and Pakistan are exploding. The population is lower IQ, but apparently their level of psychopathy is at the same level as Whites, so thus they can maintain civilization to a fairly good extent.

The Middle East and North Africa:


      This area has been a mess historically, and seems to continue to be in the near future. Once the oil dries up in the Gulf States, it is likely that they will become poorer over time, perhaps more wars will break out then.

Central Asia:

      More of the same is likely to be expected. General poverty and relative isolation. The countries with more Islam, seem to be a powder keg for the future.

Sub-Saharan Africa:

A Scene from Nigeria

      Dan Roodt, writing for American Renaissance has predicted that the future may be an African Planet since such a huge population explosion appears to be happening there. As the population swells more Africans will try to move to more successful nations such as the US, and countries in Western Europe such as Germany. It is unlikely that the quality of life will significantly increase in Africa due to race differences in intelligence as well as psychopathic personality. It is likely that the Whites of South Africa, and Namibia will be reduced even more than they are at present. Sub-Saharan Africa possibly presents the biggest civilizational threat to the future demographics.

Another scene from overcrowded Nigeria

South America:

      Much of this continent has a Mestizo, or Mullato population. It appears that those nations with the highest percentage, and absolute number of Whites, Argentina, and Chile, will also suffer negative demographic declines due to migrations from poorer neighbouring nations. To what extent this may happen hasn't been estimated by me.

And so The Future Will Most Likely be One of Demography

      So there we have it, a future that is dominated by sub-Saharan African, Mestizo, Middle Eastern, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and North African people around the world, in a generally poor state, along with a superpower authoritarian East Asian majority China exerting its might far beyond its borders. The only places with high development and a civilized population will be in Eastern Europe, though many of those nations will continue to be poor such as Ukraine and Moldova. The Baltics are marred by Russian minorities, in my opinion, as well as foreigners going there for nefarious reasons, etc. Russia itself, though often crude, and somewhat dangerous will also probably succumb more and more to its ex-USSR neighbours, the "Stans" and aside from that promotes an aggressive culture. It is likely that it will retain some status of power well into the future due to its nuclear arsenal

      Iceland is an interesting outpost but it is so tiny it really is insignificant in world affairs. So really the Videgrad group if they maintain their ethnic majorities will be the centre of White civilization, Belarus also has a chance, but it must ensure that ethnic and national Russians do not flood it, and neither will people from other ex-Soviet states. Another country that we usually don't consider is Armenia, it is a nation that is racially mixed but still with relatively high IQ. It is poor though and very homogeneous, it is likely to keep its majority.

      So really the future will have the Visegrad group as the bearers of Western civilization, along with poor Eastern European nations with worse qualities of life, Iceland, possibly with Portugal, and Ireland, and pockets in other Western European nations here and there. Japan will most likely be the standard bearer of high civilization in East Asia. Taiwan could possibly join them. As will Singapore.

      Ultimately the Visegrad group, Japan, Singapore, and Iceland will be the nations with the best qualities of life. Beyond 2100 AD, it's anyone's guess what life will be like in this world.

Where would you like to be, or have your progeny live in the future, do let me know.


For Reference, Predicted Centers of Civilization in the Future:

Future of Civilization (high quality of life, good racial demographics):

Eastern and Central Europe:

Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia, Iceland, possibly Andorra, San Marino, Lichtenstein

East Asia: Japan, Singapore

Future of Civilization (lower quality life, and/or/possibly poor economy, and/or/possibly relatively good racial demographics):

Eastern and Central Europe:

Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Romania, Lithuania, Croatia

East Asia:

South Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia.

Middle East and Caucuses:

Armenia, Israel, Cyprus

Southeast Asia: 

Vietnam (average IQ is about 95)

South America:


Central America:

Costa Rica

Also please take this poll on where you'd prefer to live in the future if you could, thanks!


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