
Showing posts from April, 2024

What happens on America's Subways - Wild Assaults and Murders - Typically Featuring one Demographic

 There are so many, and I mean so many news stories and videos online of assaults, and murders on the subway systems particularly New York. What is one of the common denominators? Well people can point to lots of things like poverty, mental illness, and so forth, but to me it seems like it is Black people.  An old video but still relevant nonetheless. A woman riding the training only to be almost murdered by beating without provocation by a Wakandan prince: The craziness continues: The stabbings: I could go on all day.  How people can enjoy living in a place like that, without having their own private transportation is beyond me. Isn't New York one of the most expensive cities in the world too? Slave your whole life away just to be killed by violent crime...

Unsustainable Immigration Hit Canada Hard - Over a Million Migrant Workers and Students Have Strained Canada's Housing - Now a Crisis

The disastrous effects of Canada's immigration policy has been felt hard by the population, myself included. Not only does Canada want to import nearly 500, 000 migrants every single year, and mostly from developing nations, it also accepts record numbers of international students, about 800,000. Over a million migrants in a year of a country with a population of less than 40 million.  International students are a form of revenue for the paper mills they call universities, they use international students like ATMs, bring them over so that 10 or 20 could all sleep in the same apartment all while pursuing the "dream", and paying big bucks for tuition. There is a shortage of affordable housing and rates have soared to such high levels, that homelessness is hitting the poorer population hard. Of all developed nations Canada has the highest homeless rate. Let that sink in. And for most of the year most of the country is freezing cold. International students have also taken man

Nigel Farage - Diversity isn't Working - Britain's Muslims do Not Integrate

  Welcome everyone, sorry for the hiatus - we've seen so much going on in the last year, and even couple of months.  I am still stuck in Canada in a sticky situation - it is unliveable here, hopefully in the coming months I'll start the long journey and process of leaving permanently. Not planning on coming to the UK.  As Farage puts it, the majority of Muslims is pro-Hamas, and wants sharia law. They do not integrate and their numbers will only increase. Diversity does not work, it is all a scam.